Thursday 29 November 2012

Week 5 - Engagement Activity - PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a fun, easy and engaging way for students to be creative with ICTs. Students are able to use PowerPoint slides to enhance an oral presentation and also gain valuable experience with a widely used business presentation programme. The program also can assist more timid students. For instance, some students have difficulties facing an audience and presenting their topic, so the students are able to add voiceovers to their presentation to save them from the stress of performing in front of a crowd. This can assist in preventing the student from not achieving at their full potential.  

The use of the storyboard (Engagement Activity 2, Tutorial 1) set up is also great idea so that students can follow through on ideas and then start to put their power point presentation together in a logical order. However, these do not just have to be used in ‘mundane’ oral presentations. Students can also create interactive PowerPoint’s. For instance, students in a junior home economics class could create an interactive powerpoint dinner menu. The dishes available could be all listed on one page, and a hyperlink could link the name of the dish to another slide that has more information about it. A ‘return’ hyperlink could then return the user to the menu home page again.
View my PowerPoint slides here and here.
Easy to use/User Friendly
Potential for students to focus too much on the presentation side of things, and not enough on content.
Hyperlinks can be used between slides to create interactive powerpoints.
Prepares students for the real world. Application in a business context for presentations.
Possibly distracting for viewers.
Interactive powerpoints can be engaging for both the creator and viewer.
Not as engaging as Prezi.

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